- COMMIT to achieving success and always be passionate
Sam Walton often went to work at or before 4am so that he could review the previous day's sales report before the rest of his executive team arrived. - SHARE SUCCESS with those who have helped you
Associate profit sharing is the fuel Sam Walton used to propel Wal-Mart's rocket to success. - MOTIVATE yourself and others to achieve your dreams
Mr.Sam hired ordinary people off the farms around Bentonville and by doing so provided many of them with opportunities beyond their wildest dreams. - COMMUNICATE with people and show you care
Mr Sam shared as much information as he possibly could with his associates becos he was convinced once they thoroughly understood the business they'd do whatever they could to help company leaders reach goals. - APPRECIATE and recognize people for their efforts and results
- CELEBRATE your own and other's accomplishments
- LISTEN to others and learn from their Ideas
- EXCEED EXPECTATIONS of customers and others
- CONTROL EXPENSES and save your way to prosperity
- SWIM UPSTREAM. Be different, and challenge the Status Quo.
Sam was the first to admit that many of the risks he took ended in failure, but he believed that if only 1 or 2 out of 10 of those risks succeded, it made dealing with all those other failures worthwile.
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